Best First Aid Kits

Best First Aid Kits | Reviews + Buyer’s Guide (2022)

Since the risk of injury is always a constant in any activity or sport, the choice of the first aid kit has become an integral part of the physical preparations and behavior of the person involved.

In general, first aid kits are divided into three main parts:

  • Basic: More basic products have a larger number of medical products and have little added functionality.
  • Advanced: More advanced products include more advanced medical devices and often have additional water retention capacity and thermal protection.
  • Full: These are the most popular models that carry both personal and external safety materials. The best-known ones are provided in travel cases or backpack and are called full-protection kits.

Features that can be found on a first aid kit vary with the nature of its intended use. So, for those interested in the field of self-defense, for example, the first aid kit should contain basic necessities. For those injured while playing golf or enjoying the great outdoors, additional trauma kits are also recommended. Still, the most popular types of first aid kits are the simple first aid kits that are mostly used to treat common injuries. We have decided to review one of the best first-aid kits below:

1.  Vicks MyVickas My First-Aid Kit

As the owner of the top-selling consumer brand of cold, allergy, and respiratory products, Vicks MyVickas has plenty of experience in the field of first aid. Its ‘’ website claims that its products are worth their price tag, in part due to their excellent quality and their ‘customer first’ approach to the market.

In fact, the ‘’ website has more than 500 reviews and only 4 are negative. The Vicks MyVickas kit provides individuals of all ages with vital first aid items that can be used in any situation. With their affordable price tag, all you need to do is simply replace the items that are not used.


  • Has a variety of products including the hypothermia kit and the cold, allergy, and respiratory medicine
  • Includes items for minor and major injuries


  • May not be the best value for money

2.  First Aid Gaming Cell Phone Kit

PC Gamer describes the First Aid Gaming Cell Phone Kit as the “perfect choice for travelling first aid kits.” The kit is packed with some really useful items that you will find useful in most emergencies. Among its core medical products are first-aid bandages and gauze.

It is also packed with an aloe vera gel, along with a few other small first aid items. All of the products in this first aid kit are non-sterile. So, make sure that you are not handling them in a way that can expose you to an infection.


  • Includes essential first aid items
  • The items in the kit are all non-sterile


  • Not every product in this kit is recommended for use in different situations

3.  Go First Aid Kit & Emergency Backpack

While this backpack is not a first aid kit, it’s a great way to carry the essentials in your everyday life at a reasonable price. As part of its ‘Go First Aid’ line, the backpack has a range of products that are good for general self-defense. One of the products included is a fire extinguisher, which comes with the first aid kit.

However, the backpack does not come with gloves, a bandana, or a tourniquet, so make sure that you grab these items separately. Another great option for the backpack is the EC9500 self-defense kit, which is the perfect size to fit in the pocket of your jeans.


  • Includes items to combat skin and muscle infections
  • Packable


  • Less first aid items for use in an emergency

4.  First Aid Kit Pack

The First Aid Kit Pack from Fidelity Armor is a great option for the outdoor adventurer. This company is also the manufacturer of the Hayduke combat knife, which is an excellent choice for anyone who travels frequently or even lives in a dangerous place.

The first aid kit in this kit is the IFAKO 150-piece set, which has some great first aid and survival items. This includes bandages, gauze, morphine, an aloe vera bandage, and an alcohol wipe. Other items in the kit are a lighter, knife blade, and a whistle. These are all great items to carry in your backpack.


  • Includes items to combat skin and muscle infections
  • Good emergency equipment and bandages


  • Not included a tourniquet, bandage, or alcohol wipe

5.  FIND First Aid (Amazon)

FIND First Aid is a new brand of first aid kits from Watsons. It is available in a wide range of sizes, but they all share a common thing: they are made to be compact and easy to carry. The products in the FIND First Aid sets are designed to be lightweight, and small enough to fit in your everyday bag.

They include everything you need to fight the small injuries, scrapes, and bruises that you would get while hiking, biking, or walking through the woods. The kit includes bandages, saline solution, ibuprofen, and antiseptic wipes. The set also includes insect repellent, a magnifying glass, and an LED flashlight.


  • Made to be small and light
  • Includes products for cuts, scrapes, and bruises


  • May not have everything you need

6.  NuCellreem First Aid (Amazon)

NuCellreem is an Australia-based company, so it comes with the added benefit of being local. This is the perfect option for anyone who lives in or is travelling to Australia or New Zealand. The product line is made to be more affordable than those from the United States.

The NuCellreem first aid kit is the most inexpensive on this list, and it is one of the only kits on this list that includes a tourniquet. It comes with everything you need to treat small cuts, scrapes, and injuries.

This kit also comes with a flashlight, a safety whistle, a large roll of gauze, bandages, a tube of petroleum jelly, and a small washcloth. All of the products included in this kit are small, light, and waterproof.


  • Includes the tourniquet
  • Ages well for travel


  • May not have all of the supplies you need

7.  Coleman Whitewater First Aid Kit (Amazon)

The Coleman Whitewater First Aid Kit includes everything you need to treat minor scrapes, bites, and cuts. The kit is made for outdoor use and includes bandages, antibiotics, alcohol wipes, a thermometer, gauze, and hypoallergenic Band-Aids.

It also includes a small, waterproof pocket to hold your medical kit in case it gets wet. This is an inexpensive option if you do a lot of camping or hiking. The best part is that the Coleman Whitewater first aid kit is very well reviewed. In fact, it has a 4.2-star average from over 3,000 customers.


  • Includes bandages, antibiotic ointment, and medical tape
  • Is lightweight and waterproof


  • No emergency kit included

8.  MeSAnual Personal & Wilderness First Aid Kit (Amazon)

MeSAnual is a great company with a great product. This personal first aid kit is very well reviewed on Amazon, with more than 3,000 customers rating it. It comes with a roll of gauze, bandages, aspirin, plasters, Neosporin, dextrose, and band-aids.

The kit is designed to treat injuries such as insect stings, cuts, scrapes, and bruises. The kit also includes a compass and flashlight. It’s one of the most well reviewed first aid kits on Amazon, and it’s pretty cheap.


  • Includes all of the first aid supplies you need
  • Some colors available


  • May have more products than most

9.  Fastway First Aid Kit (Amazon)

The Fastway First Aid Kit comes with everything you need to treat minor cuts, scrapes, and sprains. It includes a 3-inch first aid box, a dandyDent tape dispenser, a blister package, bandages, band aids, and alcohol wipes. The contents of the kit are lightweight, durable, and waterproof.

In addition, all of the products are specifically designed to be easy to use and carry on your travels. This is the most well reviewed personal and wilderness first aid kit on Amazon, and it is quite affordable. The only con about the kit is that the top portion is light plastic, which means that it’s not always a great fit for your body.


  • Lightweight and waterproof
  • Lots of contents


  • Won’t keep splinters from entering your skin

10.      Best Airplane Travel First Aid Kit (Amazon)

This airline first aid kit from AmberWay comes with all of the medical supplies you need to treat injuries on a flight. It includes bandages, gauze, a thermometer, and more. If you are flying Southwest Airlines, this kit is the best affordable kit we’ve found on Amazon.

It is larger than most airline first aid kits, but it’s still small enough to fit into a carry-on bag. This is one of the most well reviewed airlines first aid kits on Amazon, with a 4.2-star average. However, not all of the reviews are favorable.


  • Includes several bandages and band aids
  • Very lightweight and waterproof


  • Requires frequent re-stuffing

11.      Safechuckle Inflatable JetSki First Aid Kit (Amazon)

The Safechuck Inflatable JetSki First Aid Kit has all of the first aid items you need in the event of a crash. This pack is designed to inflate easily, but it does not include a balloon. There’s no practical way to inflate it, but the medical kit is still compact and lightweight.

The kit includes a set of bright and colorful bandages, some alcohol wipes, a pair of scissors, some gauze pads, and an ace bandage. The best part is that the kit does not require any pumps or batteries to inflate. You simply pour water into the pump and let it inflate. This is great for emergencies, because most medical air packs are battery operated.


  • Inflates easily
  • Provides plenty of first aid items


  • Limited space for air, so you won’t be able to use this for larger wounds

12.      St John’s Ambulance New Zealand Travel First Aid Kit (Amazon)

You’ve probably heard of the New Zealand native St John’s Ambulance by now. They’ve been around since 1875, and they provide first aid training throughout the country. The New Zealand travel first aid kit is the most basic one you’ll find on the list. It contains several items, including bandages, gauze pads, alcohol wipes, and gauze rolls.

The kit also comes with a water bottle and some bandages for dealing with smaller cuts. The best part is that this kit is still a great deal at less than $25. Check out the full review for a full description of the products.


  • Small size for a travel first aid kit
  • Comes with a water bottle


  • Pack may be too small for some

13.      T4 Sports Preemptive First Aid Kit (Amazon)

This T4 Sports Preemptive First Aid Kit includes all of the first aid items you’ll need for pretty much any sport. It includes water, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment, gauze pads, tape, an alcohol wipe, a Band-Aid, a whistle, a pair of scissors, a safety pin, and a bottle of water.

It’s even got a small first aid book to read while you’re waiting for help. You can purchase this T4 Sports travel first aid kit on Amazon for less than $20. It’s lightweight and small, making it easy to pack.


  • Available on Amazon for less than $20
  • Includes water, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment, gauze pads, tape, Band-Aid, a whistle, a safety pin, and a bottle of water


  • Only comes with one size bandage

14.      Evergreen Camping Medical Kit (Amazon)

Here’s a cool TENT medical kit by Evergreen that can be used on-site at campsites or at the office. The main focus is on the base camp area, with water purification, wipes, and bandages. The whole kit comes with a small flashlight, emergency flares, and tweezers.

It also comes with a mirror, and a small scale. It may seem pointless, but the evergreen camp medical kit can come in handy when you’re in a hurry to pack. The mirror, for instance, can help you quickly check your makeup. The gear is pretty lightweight, so you should be able to fit this in a small bag.


  • Included with this tent is water purification, bandages, medical wipes, tweezers, and mirror
  • Comes with a small scale for weighing products


  • Comes with some pre-packaged items, not all the items you’ll need


Medical first aid kits are great for anytime you’re traveling. In most cases, the items you need should fit into a small, waterproof bag. In addition to a first aid kit, you should also consider a basic first aid book, a pocket knife, and a fire starter. You never know when you might need to start a campfire or find a well-placed log. What kind of first aid kit do you use? Share your favorite pack in the comments section.

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